Isayama cannot be seen as an exceptional scholar who carefully planned and executed his narrative with intricate precision from the beginning.
Year: 2023
Going beyond the limits of Marxist thought, the Frankfurt School was largely inspired by the Hegelian concept of dialectics.
Blood Blockade Battlefront’s narrating ability is obvious in consistently weaving together standalone enterprises whereas keeping up a cohesive and locks in storyline.
Sunset Boulevard explores the dark corners of Hollywood and reveals the complex web of delusions that envelop its characters.
A mysterious wolf named Lobo appears as both enemy and mentor, offering profound lessons about the true nature of life.
Ibn Khaldun and Adam Smith, despite temporal and cultural differences, share insights into economic phenomena.
Communism, a socio-political ideology originating in the 19th century, has left a lasting impact on global perspectives.
Fyodor Dostoevsky critiques the limitations of a deterministic worldview, emphasizing the Herculean effort required to calculate an entire life and highlighting the inherent difficulties in predicting human behavior.