Baldi’s Basics is a classic case study that outlines the principles that govern the remembering and forgetting of cultural events.
Moonlighter stands as an exceptional and distinctive amalgamation of dungeon crawling and shopkeeping, offering players a multifaceted gaming experience.
Memories of My Body vividly captures the struggle through Juno’s narrative, challenging conventional notions of masculinity and embracing a journey that defies societal expectations.
Shoplifters, directed by Hirokazu Koreeda, is a film that challenges societal norms and definitions of family and morality through its portrayal of the unconventional Shibata family.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has an authentic atmosphere and a visually rich journey through the multiverse.
If we were to describe dementia by Everywhere at the End of Time accurately, then it must be one of, if not the scariest, for us to go through.
While we can also interpret Annihilation in many ways, ultimately, the sense of completion and finality stop audiences from returning to Garland’s films in the future.
Minding the Gap serves as a general description of the awakening and daydreaming of youth.