Absurdism emerged in the mid-20th century as a philosophy centered around the conflict between humanity’s desire to find meaning in life and the inherent meaninglessness of the universe.
In today’s dynamic world, citizens need to be adaptable to navigate complexity and change.
The worlds of the Apollonian and Dionysian contrast in that they depict a realm of lunacy, ecstasy, and profound unity with nature.
Video games have evolved into interactive media that can disclose previously unknown facets of human psychology, so they are now more than just a source of entertainment.
The dilemma that presaged the ascent of Baruch Spinoza in modernity is now well known in academic circles.
The Greek philosopher Epicurus was the first to discuss hedonism in his writings.
From its initial clinical definition, the term “infantilization” has expanded to include a variety of circumstances and has become a common catchphrase in popular discourse.
Although it is evident that depression is a condition of hopelessness, the word “low” has more connotations than just that.