The Evolution of Liberal Feminism to Fascism

Understanding Liberal Feminism

Liberal feminism is an ideology that advocates legal reform. In the public sphere, it aims to achieve gender equality. Essentially, it is based on liberal principles, which prioritize individual autonomy and freedom. Classic liberal feminists vehemently oppose laws that discriminate based on gender. Without barriers, they support economic regulations. Conversely, egalitarian liberal feminists advocate for the implementation of anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action policies, and state welfare initiatives to enhance women’s politics and personal autonomy.

Fascism symbolizes a right-wing political ideology that prioritizes nationalist agendas over individual rights and egalitarianism. Emerging in the early 20th century, it typically manifests in single-party states where authoritarian figures rule. Often, fascist regimes endorse violence when deemed beneficial to the national collective.

Therefore, the metamorphosis of liberal feminism into fascism is a phenomenon influenced by various factors. They include the convergence of feminist and fascist ideologies, the rise of authoritarian leadership, the appeal of traditional societal roles and hierarchical structures, challenges in post-feminist societies, government intervention in promoting gender equality, the impacts of socio-economic dynamics, and the spread of transphobia and anti-trans activism. They mutually influence each other, thereby driving the rise of women to prominent positions within leading right-wing political factions in Europe.

Historical Context of Fascism’s Emergence

In the early 20th century, fascism emerged as a response to political and social turmoil, especially stemming from events such as World War I and the increasing communist and socialist movements. Under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, fascism developed and marked an ethos of authoritarianism, strong nationalism, and the use of violence as a means to consolidate power. Initially, he only garnered 5% of the popular vote in 1921. In 1922, a crucial moment occurred with the March on Rome. It accelerated Mussolini’s rise to the position of prime minister.

Essentially, fascism embodies a right-wing political ideology characterized by unabashed nationalism, authoritarian governance, and a tendency towards coercive actions in enforcing authority. Its basic principles include strong nationalism, dictatorial leadership, scapegoating and targeting marginalized groups, adherence to social Darwinism, defamation of women and non-normative gender identities, and systematic suppression of those deemed as enemies. The transition from liberal feminism to fascism originates from the convergence of fascist and feminist doctrines, the rise of authoritarian leadership, and the appeal of traditional hierarchical and societal structures.

Persistently, feminist organizations and movements advocate for women’s equality in various aspects of life such as education, employment, and political participation. Prominent among them are the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), Equality Now, Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), Men Engage Alliance, and Gender Equality Resource Center (GERC). Through approaches encompassing legal advocacy, policy influence, and community mobilization, they strive to protect women’s rights. They also endeavor to foster mutual respect and advocate for the inclusion of diverse perspectives.

Key figures from various eras have contributed to shaping the trajectory of feminism. They include Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Eleanor Roosevelt, Marlene Dietrich, Alice Walker, and Emma Watson. Revered as the most influential feminist philosopher, Wollstonecraft pioneered the movement with her treatise titled A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792. On the other hand, de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex laid the groundwork for modern feminist discourse. Other works such as Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique also served as catalysts for the second wave of feminism, culminating in the historic Women’s Strike for Equality in 1970.

Mobilizing Factors of Fascism

Fascism emerged as a right-wing political ideology characterized by its dedication to concepts such as nationalism, authoritarianism, strong leadership, scapegoating and demonization, social Darwinism, contempt for women and non-traditional gender identities, and the systematic suppression of perceived threats. By the late 1800s, its form became more solidified amidst the chaos of World War I. It reached its peak in countries like Germany and Italy where Adolf Hitler, leading the Nazi government, ruled from 1933 to 1945.

The fascist movement exploits the socio-political climate in which it operates, utilizing economic interests, nationalism, populism, and contempt for human rights as its pillars. By using scapegoats such as immigrants, Jews, and leftist groups, they redirect societal anger to gain more authority. Overall, national pride over individual rights heralds the Gospel of Salvation and launches attacks to destroy those they deem as enemies such as gay, transgender, and queer groups. Fascist ideas easily spread due to the convergence of various variables including disillusionment from trauma, technical improvements, economic disparities, and disparities in access to resources.

The fascist ideology marks a significant contribution from individuals such as Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Francisco Franco, and supporters of Japanese fascism. Mussolini’s emergence attracted various supporters interested in his practical emphasis on action and his promise to alleviate Italy’s post-war suffering. Through a combination of election manipulation, coercive tactics, and propaganda, Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) emerged as the winner in Germany, heralding the arrival of a totalitarian state and triggering World War II. With a strong military presence and fervent nationalist sentiments, Franco’s dictatorship in Spain embodied authoritarian rule.

The fascist ideology emphasizes its ethos by endorsing social Darwinist beliefs. They vilify certain groups, support authoritarian rule, and subjugate individual autonomy under patriotic command. Essentially, it contradicts liberal feminist norms. Their contempt for women and non-traditional gender identities places them in inferior positions and upholds gender-based discrimination. Fascist governments perpetuate discriminatory policies based on sexual orientation. Systematically, they undermine LGBTQ+ rights. By adopting certain elements from other ideological frameworks but avoiding radical or egalitarian aspects, fascists advance an authoritarian system that suppresses opposition to the superiority of the state.

The Confluence of Liberal Feminism and Fascism

The convergence and collaboration between fascist and liberal feminism can be analyzed through their shared historical backgrounds, similar concerns, the use of liberal feminist aspirations, efforts to blend ideologies, the dissemination of misinformation and propaganda, as well as interactions of political and economic powers. The social and political upheavals characterized by the aftermath of World War I and the increasing strength of socialist and communist movements provided fertile ground for the emergence of both ideologies. Often, fascist movements attempt to adopt liberal feminist principles such as rejecting gender discrimination and supporting personal autonomy.

Historically, feminist discourses emphasizing women’s primary role as domestic and reproductive beings entrusted with raising future citizens, soldiers, and maternal figures have been cleverly exploited by fascist movements to further their agenda. Aggressively, fascist ideologies oppose radical or egalitarian aspects of feminism while claiming to reject gender-based discrimination and promote individual autonomy through selective co-optation of feminist concepts. They vilify certain groups like feminists, portraying them as enemies threatening the state’s integrity. Fascist ideologies reinforce traditional gender roles and justify the implementation of repressive regulations by emphasizing nationalism and reproduction themes. Furthermore, fascist movements claim authority over mass media, distort facts, disregard human rights, and exploit the designation of enemies as a unifying theme.

Some liberal feminists, such as Marine Le Pen from the National Front in France, Pia Kjaersgaard from the People’s Party in Denmark, and Siv Jensen from the Progress Party in Norway, have adopted fascist ideologies. It highlights the complex process that transforms liberal feminism into fascism and emphasizes the need for ongoing awareness and rejection of the use of feminist aspirations by authoritarian ideologies.

The shift of feminist movements towards authoritarianism and discriminatory practices is a complex topic that requires a contextual understanding of historical and modern forces. In response to liberal feminism, radical feminism emerged, highlighting power relations embedded in gender constructions and calling for the destruction of the patriarchal system. Grounded in feminist philosophy and activism, intersectionality emphasizes the connections between various oppressions. Particularly, women have been elevated into political authority in authoritarian regimes. It results in temporary victories for women’s rights but may also have unintended consequences if the state is overthrown. Often, defenders of women’s rights face violence and oppression. Therefore, they are always at the forefront of resistance against authoritarianism in various situations.

Economic Instability and Societal Upheaval

Social unrest and economic turmoil have significant impacts on how feminist movements evolve towards authoritarianism and discriminatory behavior. Events such as economic hardships, political riots, scapegoating, nationalist fervor, and ideological shifts create an environment where communities feel desperate and hopeless, thus pushing them towards embracing authoritarian and exclusive beliefs. Despite being vulnerable to them, feminist movements are always easy targets for scapegoating. Therefore, they limit their ability to advocate for justice and gender equality. The trend worsens with the increasing nationalism and identity politics, hindering underrepresented groups from fully participating in society and further marginalizing them. At the same time, the restructuring of ideologies plays a significant role. Hence, feminist movements tend to lean towards authoritarian and exclusive doctrines due to historical backgrounds and the emergence of neoliberal ideas.

Fear and insecurity are common emotions during times of social upheaval that lead people to seek strong leadership. It can result in the implementation of authoritarian and exclusive practices in various contexts, including political structures, social movements, and organizations. Insecurity stemming from fear within feminist movements always manifests as oppression of dissent and marginalization of marginalized groups, especially women of color.

Nationalism and xenophobia pose serious threats to feminist unity as they both foster conflicting goals, scapegoating situations, identity politics, authoritarian tendencies, and deliberate marginalization of less fortunate groups. They prioritize national identification over gender identity. As a result, it leads to the marginalization of women who question traditional gender standards or support more radical feminist movements.

The use of manipulative strategies and propaganda has a significant impact on feminist discourse, influencing how feminist topics are portrayed and how society perceives them. They shape the discourse around feminism by employing emotional appeal, stereotypical depictions, identity politics, spreading misinformation, and fostering groupthink dynamics. Prejudices undermine the legitimacy of feminist campaigns. However, emotional appeal fosters empathy and unity. Within feminist communities, identity politics sow the seeds of conflict, while misinformation breeds distrust and confusion. Additionally, groupthink does not support differing perspectives, marginalizing voices that are less represented and silencing dissenting opinions.

Historic Examples of Dissent Against Fascist Co-optation

Disagreements and rejection of fascist encroachments on rights have always existed throughout history, as communities and groups resist efforts to limit their freedoms and rights. Heroic resistance movements in France during World War II, the courageous actions of the White Rose resistance group in Nazi Germany, the revolutionary steps taken by the American Civil Rights Movement, the rebellious student protests in China in 1989, and pivotal moments from World War II are some examples. The Arab Spring uprisings in the early 21st century are also notable examples.

The field of the feminist movement is marked by ongoing internal disputes and heated discussions stemming from differences in strategic interests, tactical tactics, and ideological orientations. Key discussions include binary oppositions such as reform versus revolution, differences between radical feminist and socialist ideologies, ideological gaps between separatist and inclusive doctrines, discussions on pornography and sexual liberation, the relationship between labor and the role of motherhood, as well as issues of race and ethnicity. The course of the feminist movement is greatly influenced by their discussions, which also give rise to numerous perspectives and methodological frameworks. While some feminists advocate for gradual changes within the existing socio-political framework, others call for the fundamental disruption of the status quo and the overthrow of capitalism and existing governmental institutions.

Alternative feminist narratives have marked periods of history, acting as powerful agents of change that seek to overthrow power structures that uphold gender-based oppression. Examples include feminist critiques of fascism, feminist opposition to right-wing women, feminist critiques of neoliberalism and neofascism, feminist critiques of gender-critical groups and post-fascist feminism, and analysis of the relationship between liberal feminism and fascism.

As feminists face criticism and contemporary issues, efforts to restore and rebuild the ideals and values of liberal feminism are gaining attention. Important projects include rejecting post-feminist narratives, critically engaging with neofascism and neoliberalism, highlighting issues related to the private sphere, denying essentialist claims, and incorporating intersectional perspectives. While neo-fascist ideologies have fueled the rise of right-wing and fascist movements, post-feminist narratives argue that the original goals of feminism have been achieved or are no longer relevant. To achieve gender equality, its supporters argue that it is important to address dynamics in the private sphere, including gender-based division of labor and power redistribution dynamics.

Regressive Trajectory in Women’s Equality

Academics and activists are increasingly concerned about the erosion of feminist rights and victories. Reports indicate a trend of declining women’s equality, characterized by decreased funding for programs supporting reproductive health and coordinated efforts to limit women’s roles in family planning. The setback of the Democratic Party and tangible reactions to women’s rights are evident in various fields, including the political system and official responses. In particular, women’s rights campaigns face strong opposition and suffer losses in critical areas such as women’s political representation, LGBTQI+ equality, gender-based violence prevention, and reproductive rights.

The suppression of minority voices and dissenting opinions has reached alarming proportions in many societies, often taking the form of a combination of social pressure, legislative restrictions, and physical threats. Conflicts have traditionally sparked revolutionary changes in Indian society, although overcoming persistent barriers is necessary. The emancipatory potential of dissenting opinions is often undermined within organizational environments as they are co-opted by hierarchical superiors. The seriousness of the issue is also evident from deliberate disinformation efforts targeting disadvantaged communities, with progressive and Indian Muslim voices being prime examples. Governmental organizations exploit legal systems in countries like Singapore to intimidate and silence dissenting voices.

Feminism has had a significant influence on how society views women’s rights, leading to revolutionary changes in Western societies that include historic victories such as women’s suffrage, increased access to education, and restructuring of divorce procedures. However, feminism continues to face significant obstacles, especially considering the fourth wave of feminist activism, which coincides with the increasing violence and murders of women targeted at women.

The fields of inclusive economic growth, legislative reform frameworks, economic impacts, intersectionality considerations, global urgency, and cultural metamorphosis are just a few areas where gender equality and social justice have significant and enduring implications. Achieving gender equality is a necessary prerequisite for fostering long-term economic growth, given that half of the world’s population is female. To make meaningful progress, existing laws must be enforced and fair access must be provided. They are crucial for eliminating institutional gender discrimination and challenging deeply rooted social norms. Gender inequality in the economy can lead to long-term wealth disparities; over the past 50 years, half of the observed economic growth in OECD countries has come from women, who are a key demographic.

Threats to Liberal Feminism from Fascist Infiltration

The threats posed by fascist infiltration of liberal feminism are significant, as they have the potential to erode women’s rights and jeopardize democratic principles. Past examples, such as the fascist governments of Germany, Italy, and Croatia, highlight the spread of regressive ideologies that emphasize women’s subjugation to household and reproductive roles, wherein their primary social role is to bear children, soldiers, and mothers. Current expressions of the danger can be found in the rhetoric of far-right parties, which claim to support women’s rights yet criticize feminists viciously, suggesting that they don’t care about gender equality. The reduction of reproductive liberty is a sign of democratic deterioration and has detrimental effects on democratic government. Mainstream women’s movements must extend their scope and acknowledge that important concerns like voting limits, immigration laws, detention procedures, and mass incarceration are inextricably linked to feminist and democratic goals.

Liberal democracies face a persistent authoritarian danger that gives rise to a variety of threats, including military force, coercive influence, destabilizing schemes, the spread of authoritarian norms, and subversive attacks directed toward democratic alliances. Drastic governance paradigms are often based on nationalist ideas, which are used as a legitimizing cloak. Authoritarian trajectories are shaped in large part by elements like economic interdependence and ideological malleability. To effectively counter the dangerous phenomena, strong defenses that protect democratic infrastructures and institutions must be combined with renewed alliance structures and homegrown resilience.

Aware of the dangers of being appropriated, feminist movements must employ a complex strategy to maintain their independence and authenticity. The development of critical self-reflection, intersectional analyses, coalition building, strengthening organizational frameworks, supporting grassroots mobilization efforts, educational initiatives, and unwavering resistance against false empowerment narratives are all crucial components of the endeavor. Feminist collectives can successfully fend off co-optation while steadfastly advancing the agenda of gender equality and social justice by critically examining their practices, recognizing the complex interplay of oppression systems, and forming alliances with allied social justice movements.

It becomes clear that feminist movements must reaffirm their dedication to inclusive, intersectional feminist values to avert the threat of co-optation. Adopting the principles of intersectionality, which describe the complicated interplay of racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, ableism, colonialism, and classism, provides feminist groups with a strong analytical toolkit to negotiate intricate power relations. Key tactics such as critical self-examination, coalition building, organizational strengthening, community mobilization, education campaigns, and unwavering opposition to false empowerment narratives highlight the ability of feminist movements to withstand co-optation threats. Feminist movements can resist the devious tactics of co-optation and continue to fight for social justice and gender equality by adhering to the intersectionality praxis.

Co-option of Feminist Principles by Authoritarian Ideologies

Coopting feminist ideas with authoritarian beliefs is the process by which liberal feminism becomes fascism. Fascist governments in Germany, Italy, and Croatia are historical examples of how regressive paradigms are propagated, highlighting women’s subordination to the home and reproductive domains where their social role consists of bearing children, raising soldiers, and being mothers. Symptoms of the danger are still there in the language of far-right groups today, which claim to support women’s rights while denouncing feminists and their alleged dedication to gender equality. Reproductive autonomy limitations are a sign of democratic deterioration and suggest dire consequences for the effectiveness of the democratic rule of law.

Developing a plan is essential in the fight to defend feminist principles and stop authoritarianism’s advances. Crucial components of the plan include developing strong, coordinated resistance movements, launching targeted advocacy campaigns that challenge dominant power structures, and integrating intersectional feminist principles into advocacy frameworks. The article highlights the transformative potential of feminist leadership and emphasizes the need to develop a new kind of leadership that is focused on implementing social justice and gender parity. The NAMLA Framework takes essential relevance in directing transformative feminist practice since it is based on nuanced knowledge of power dynamics and the lasting legacy of historical injustices. Moreover, coordinated initiatives to protect the right to self-determination, foster social commitment to meaningful gender equality, and challenge ingrained forms of homophobia and sexism are essential.

As the leading movement for equality and liberty, feminism requires a group effort to negotiate the complexities involved in the conversion of liberal feminism into fascism. Key principles include the promotion of an anti-capitalist feminist ideology, acknowledging intersectionality, broadening the scope of issues to include a wider range of issues, valuing diversity and technological advancements, working to undermine systemic forms of white supremacist oppression, and concurrently advocating for fair funding and leadership roles.


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