If the audience looks at the film from one end of the telescope, A Woman Under the Influence becomes a woman’s realistic portrait who has gone “insane.”
Solaris differentiates and links time images with internal registers; it facilitates dreams, memory pictures, and fantasy images from beginning to end.
By being an open narrative, Tokyo Story is the perfection of Ozu’s gentle approach to storytelling.
Close-Up becomes a reflexive reflection on the impact of cinema and cinema itself.
Wings of Desire invites the audience to continuously admire the facts of feelings and life by depicting characters who are aware but unable to experience the world.
The basic premise of The Celebration explains how an individual takes a terrible risk by speaking truth to power.
The freedom to decide and choose becomes meaningful with a willingness to be responsible.
Philosophy in essence does not only contain an explanation of a problem but also about clarity while there is continuity between the Tractatus and Philosophical Investigations.